Volunteer at ACSD
VISITOR: You were invited to the school to visit for a meeting, open house, or to give a lecture or presentation to a group of students, but you will not work directly with students.
SUPERVISED VOLUNTEER: You will work directly with students always under the supervision of an ACSD staff member. (Examples: a college recess buddy, library reading helper, or someone who comes in to help in a class for a special event.)
UNSUPERVISED VOLUNTEER: You will work directly with students, but may not always be under the supervision of an ACSD staff member. (Examples: a volunteer driver, field trip chaperone, or a classroom volunteer who may be left unsupervised.)
Timeline: As soon as your visit is approved by the principal.
Process & Background Checks
1. If the principal has invited or approved your visit, simply sign in at the school when you arrive.
Supervised Volunteer
Timeline: Allow 1 week after you fill out your Criminal Record Check for a clear approval.
Process & Background Checks
1. Complete the Volunteer Application
2. Contact the administrative assistant at the school(s) where you hope to volunteer to complete this necessary paperwork:
- Request for Criminal Record Check (Bring a valid ID that confirms your date of birth and signature.)
- CRC process overview
- Agency of Human Services Consent for Release of Registry Information
Unsupervised Volunteer
Timeline: Fingerprinting results may take a few weeks, however, you may begin volunteering with a clear Criminal Record Check
Process & Background Checks
1. Complete the Volunteer Application
2. Contact the administrative assistant at the school(s) where you will volunteer to complete this necessary paperwork:
Request for Criminal Record Check (Bring a valid ID that confirms your date of birth and signature.)
CRC process for your signature
Agency of Human Services Consent for Release of Registry Information
Fingerprint Authorization Certificate
Volunteer Driver
Complete the requirements of the Unsupervised Volunteer above plus the Volunteer Driver Checklist. Once approved, a building principal or administrative assistant will contact you to volunteer! Please contact Tara Huestis at (802) 382-1270 or thuestis@acsdvt.org with questions.
Frequently Asked Questions about Volunteering
Q: Do I have to get a background check each year that I volunteer?
A: To keep students safe, volunteer names are checked each year with the Vermont Criminal Information Center (VCIC) and the Agency of Human Services. All unsupervised volunteers must have an initial FBI fingerprint supported background check before volunteering begins. You do not need to be fingerprinted again unless there is a break in service to the schools.
Q: Can I be reimbursed for the $35 fingerprinting fee?
A: Yes, ask for proof of payment and bring a receipt to the school where you will volunteer to seek reimbursement.
Q: Can I transport students?
A: Volunteers who transport students in a personal vehicle must complete the Volunteer Driver Checklist and return it to the administrative assistant at each volunteer location. Please review the Employee/Volunteer Usage of Personal Vehicles for School Activities. No volunteer shall be permitted to transport students if s/he has been convicted within the last ten years of any of the following: Driving Under the Influence (DUI); Reckless/negligent driving; Driving while license has been suspended or revoked; Hit and run driving; Driving to endanger.
Q: What is the Criminal records check process?
A: Read more about the required documents and the CRC process here.)
Q: Is there anything else I should know?
A: Yes! We are grateful that you want to volunteer and we take student safety seriously. Volunteers are expected to abide by all applicable policies and procedures, federal and state laws, regulations, and other administrative rules while providing service within the schools.
The Superintendent has discretion to accept, deny, limit, or terminate an individual’s ability to volunteer at any time.