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Strategic Plan

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2023 Strategic Plan Overview

ACSD Strategic Plan 2022-2023 Overview
The Addison Central School District (ACSD) is currently designing a new, equity-informed strategic plan that will prioritize the success of every student. There have been many opportunities for students, families, staff, and community members (stakeholders) to help shape the direction of a strategic plan.  Below you will find information on:

  • The timeline and an overview of the Strategic Plan process so far.
  • Updates and information on the ACSD Strategic Plan Action Team. This is the group of staff and community stakeholders tasked with drafting the next Strategic Plan by identifying the greatest leverage points that the ACSD can act upon to meet the strategic plan goals.
  • Updates and information from the 2022 ACSD Advisory Committee on Equity. This was a group of staff and community stakeholders who came together to help define equity in the planning process, advise on how to better engage the community, provide input on what data should be collected by the district, and offer recommendations to the board about priorities to include in the next strategic plan. 

2023 Action Team

The ACSD Action Team was comprised of students, parents, staff, administrators, and community members. Particular attention was given to selecting members who hold underrepresented identities (ex: Black, Indigenous, people of color, LGBTQ+ folks, people living in poverty, people living with a disability, etc.). The committee had 15 members. 4 students, 3 parents/caregivers, 3 educators/staff, 1 principal and the Director of Equity and Student Services, Director of Finance and Operations and Director of Teaching and Learning.

The Action Team was tasked with: 

  • Reviewing the work of the Advisory committee, district data, and inviting other stakeholders in to advise on where ACSD is doing well and where we are falling short to meet the diverse needs of our community. 
  • Drafting strategies and action steps that identify the greatest leverage points that ACSD can act upon to meet the Board's strategic goals.
  • Sharing the draft plan with the ACSD Board for approval. 

They Met from January 2023-June 2023. ACSD hired consultant Emma Mulvaney-Stanak to plan and guide the committee's work. 

Action Team Co-Chairs Samantha Paine and Camila Blanco MUHS '23

2022 Advisory Committee on Equity

The Advisory Committee on Equity was comprised of students, parents, staff, administrators, and community members. Particular attention was given to selecting members who hold underrepresented identities (ex: Black, Indigenous, people of color, LGBTQ+ folks, people living in poverty, people living with a disability, etc.). The committee had 13 members. 3 students, 2 parents/caregivers, 2 educators/staff, 4 community members at-large, 1 principal and the Director of Equity and Student Services.

The Advisory Committee was asked to advise ACSD in four ways:

  1. Help define equity in the planning process
  2. Advise how to better engage the community
  3. Provide input on what data should be collected by the district, and
  4. Work in partnership with the board and staff to develop priorities and then determine how to work towards those priorities.

Please read more about the scope of the committee's work here for ENGLISH and here for SPANISH.

They met from December 2021-September 2022. Most meetings took place after 5pm with a couple of meetings held in-person and others fully online to minimize transportation logistics and follow COVID safe practices.

ACSD hired consultant Emma Mulvaney-Stanak to plan and guide the committee's work. 

ACSD Advisory Committee Co-Chairs, Amanda Gomes MUHS '23 and Esther Charlestin

2015 Strategic Plan & reports