On April 8th, 2024, ACSD will be in the path of the total eclipse! Due to anticipated traffic and darkness, April 8th will be an early release day. Instead of holding synchronous PD during this time, we have adjusted our usual model to create two asynchronous options so you can experience the eclipse.
Please choose one or both of the following two options to fulfill three hours of asynchronous professional development time (paraprofessionals are not expected to complete this PD).
#1. Learn about the eclipse and plan a fun activity for your students!
An ACSD Eclipse Team, led by Amy Clapp, organized learning and activities for all. This opportunity is designed to be completed prior to April 8, as it is all about activities you can use with students in advance of the big event.
To complete this PD:
- Read the Eclipse Learning Guide
- Fill out this form to share your eclipse activity plan.
#2. Learn about our new Strategic Plan and share your priorities as we undertake this work. If eclipse PD doesn’t appeal or apply to you, we invite you to learn more and share your thoughts on the new Strategic Plan.
To complete this PD:
- Read the Strategic Plan
- Fill out this form to share your priorities as we begin this work. (There will be other opportunities to share feedback even if you do not choose this option.)
We hope you enjoy the eclipse on April 8th!