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Middle Years Program (6-10th)

Our Middle Years Program (MYP) is designed for students in 6th-10th grade. The MYP draws connections between subjects while giving students the skills to apply their learning to the world around them.
In the MYP classroom, students are the center of learning. They explore the cultures and the experiences of those in their local and global community and are able to transfer concepts over place and time. The MYP also challenges students to reflect on the process of learning and to take agency over their own progress and educational goals.
Core courses include Language & Literature, Individuals & Societies, Science, Math, Language Acquisition, Physical Education/Health, and Art/Design. Educators at MUMS and MUHS collaboratively design and assess units which builds a natural curricular bridge between 8th grade at MUMS and 9th grade at MUHS. This consistent framework for learning and assessment supports students with consistent expectations and the ability to build upon prior learning.
In the PYP, students were introduced to the IB Learner Profile and Approaches to Learning (ATLs). MYP students continue to develop their skills and understanding of themselves as learners which provides a consistent set of transferable skills for them to practice and build on through middle school and until graduation.  
We hope you will explore the MYP curriculum with our unit summaries below. Our educators created these curriculum overviews to highlight key components of each subject and suggest questions to help you talk to your student about their learning.

Explore the MYP Curriculum

Please note: This page (and documents) may take a moment to load due to the large number of embedded documents and depending on internet bandwidth. We have also linked each document below the embedded document to help you access them. Your school can offer a printed copy at your request. 

10th Grade Personal Project

The MYP culminates with a Personal Project in 10th grade where students explore an area of personal interest over an extended period, helping them consolidate their learning and develop skills in the classroom and beyond. Examples of recent Personal Projects include creating a podcast, crafting a sword, learning to barrel race horses, studying drone photography, creating a cookbook for teens, learning about dairy cow judging, exploring natural dye techniques, creating jewelry from discarded skateboards, driving horses, improving tennis techniques, and building a chair from skis among many other creative pursuits.

Thanks to MCTV for filming and creating a documentary highlighting the projects. 

View prior year videos here.