Diploma Program
The Diploma Program (DP) aims to broaden students’ educational experience and challenge them to apply their knowledge and skills. The DP is a curriculum framework for learners aged 16 - 19. It is “an academically challenging and balanced program that prepares students for success.” It is well recognized and respected by universities around the world (ibo.org, Diploma Program). Engaging in the DP doesn’t mean that students have to complete the full diploma. Students can be course certificate candidates in specific subject areas and complement those diploma courses while pursuing many other pathways at MUHS.
There are three core components of the DP: Theory of knowledge, where students reflect on the nature of knowledge and on how we know what we claim to know, the extended essay, an independent, self-directed research paper, and Creativity, Activity, Service, (CAS), a project related to those three concepts. There are also 6 subject areas: Language and Literature, Language acquisition, Individuals and societies, Sciences, Mathematics, The Arts. Students may opt to study an additional sciences, individuals and societies, or languages course, instead of a course in the arts.” (ibo.org, Diploma Program Curriculum)
All departments offer a variety of DP courses for students to pursue throughout their junior and senior years. The DP courses are open to all students in grades 11 and 12. Students may choose to complete one or more DP courses, earning a certificate in each course. Most courses are offered at both the standard level (SL) and higher level (HL). Students may choose to complete all requirements of the diploma program, potentially earning an official diploma from the IBO. All MUHS students are required to take the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course to fulfill their graduation requirements. Further details about the Diploma Program at MUHS can be found in the MUHS Course Description Catalog and on the MUHS website.
The MUHS graduating class of 2021 was the first DP cohort in ACSD.
DP Resources
- Admissions Policy
- MUHS Cohort Annual Statistics
- Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS)
- DP Subject Briefs
- DP Handbook for Students & Parents
- Internal Assessment Schedule 2024-26
- May 2025 DP Exam Schedule
- May 2026 DP Exam Schedule
- Extended Essay